It's official! I'm defenitely moving in soon. I bought appliances today. The guy who helped me at Lowe's seemed very excited. I think I made his day. I'm sure his commission went way up after my visit. Here's a few pictures of the latest goodies that will be delivered to my house very soon. Now if you come by the new house I can get you a cold drink from the fridge, heat up some food in the stove, and wash all your dirty dishes in a "whisper quiet" dishwasher.
I had a special visitor at the house this afternoon. I was sitting in the bathroom attaching the new toilet seat. (Note: I did not say sitting on the new toilet seat :-) When I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. My first thought was mouse. Oh no!! But it wasn't. It was a little baby bird just walking down the hallway. He went into the bedroom and I followed him. He kept trying to fly through the double paned, closed, and freshly painted windows. I immediately felt the need to be a Bird Rescuer. So I picked up a box and tried to lure him in. This worked for about 5 seconds. Then he flew into the kitchen and landed on the counter tops I had just painted. Uuuuuggghhh! Little birdie feet imprinted on the new counters. Now he was body slamming against the kitchen window. Hmmmm, how am I going to get this little birdie out of my house? I went to the garage and got gloves out of my box of 500 I've been using for the past month. And then I became the Bird Whisperer. For some reason I thought if I talked to him he might calm down and let me catch him and help him outside. "Hi little birdie ... I want to be your friend.... I'm trying to help you little birdie... I think you're lost" He didn't seem to be relaxed at all by my little words of encouragement. So, I decided to wait until he wore himself out trying to fly through the closed window. And then when he was exhausted I was able to hold him very carefully and take him outside. He flew away chirping like crazy. I feel certain he was tattling on me to all his bird friends.
That little bird had no idea I wanted to help him. And he was definitely unaware of how helpless he was on his own. I wander if the Lord ever sees me the way I saw that little bird today. "I'm trying to help you Jenn... I think you are lost." I wander how many times the Lord has had to wait for me to tire myself out in my own efforts so I will be receptive to His loving help.
I think I'll leave the little birdie footprints on the edge of the counter as a reminder of my little visitor. And perhaps a reminder of the lesson as well.
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