I decided in honor of Easter that I would share a before and after of each room. Actually it's not an after it's more like a "during". I was thinking today about the renovation process. I can clean and paint and add new accessories, but it's still the same old house underneath. It is amazing to see the change. But today, with Good Friday behind me and Easter before me, I was not thinking not so much about
renovation, but about
transformation. Easter celebrates the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Easter speaks to the new and transformed life we can have in Christ. When we accept Christ as our Savior, He changes us and makes us new!
Here are a few pics of before and afters. I pray this Easter you are celebrating a life that has been transformed by Christ.
Kitchen: Before...

Kitchen: After... The cool new light fixture from the salvage yard.

Guest Bathroom: Before...


Living Room to Kitchen: Before... After

Guest Bedroom: Before


Master Bathroom: Before... After

Master Bedroom: Before...


Living Room: Before...


Wow! Jenn, it is looking great! I still talk about how cute your house was and how blessed I was by you in my time at Auburn. I was thrilled to see your comment on my blog. I can't wait to see more!