Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jenn - VS - The Carpenter Bees

The battle was on. I had warned them today would be their undoing. My opponent...
the carpenter bee. I know he looks harmless, but don't be deceived. This isn't a whimsical little honey bee or a helpful little flower pollinator. This little pest is the worst nightmare a cedar house can have. Just look at what she does when she decides to turn your siding into her nest.
And since my home has been unkempt for many years, and completely empty for many months, the bees have just moved right on in feeling completely unhindered by pesky humans. Well, their days of frolicking are over...

So I talked to a bug expert, Dr. Foshee, and he suggested a method for sending these little bees to Bee Heaven.

My tools...

Sevin Dust & a ketchup squirt-er & wood filler

I waited until dusk because that's when I've noticed that all the hovering bees go to their little homes in my siding. I took my deadly ketchup bottle, my wood filler and spatula and step stool. When I went outside I could hear them. Gross!! I could hear them in the siding chewing and scratching around.

I started my bee-ocide by squirting sevin dust in a hole and then covering it with wood filler. I was half way expecting all of the bees to rally together and jump out of their holes to attack me. But luckily they didn't :-) I went from one hole to the next squirting and filling. When I left I could still hear some of them in the walls. Hopefully they were on their death beds.

So now I have a bunch of dead bees entombed in the siding of my house. That may be grosser than having live bees buzzing around, but at least dead bees eat less wood!

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