Tedious is the word of the day. And of course it involved the kitchen floor. In previous days the floor had been cleaned and scrubbed and scraped and rubbed. I felt pretty sure the floor was clean but it still wasn't very pretty. It was obvious in many places the "whatever" that had been spilled on the floor actually ate through the color on the tiles. And it didn't appear that the tiles had ever been sealed, and the grout wasn't like any grout color I had ever seen. It was gray concrete.
So how do you turn a well worn ugly floor into a pretty one... very tediously!
First you call your amazing artist friend, Mrs. Cecile, and she brings over all her paints and color matches the off colored stains.

Then you buy some sealant and a grout stainer. I chose a khaki color to replace the gray. Oh, and don't forget your toothbrush.

Then you sit on the floor and slowly paint the grout with a toothbrush. Oh my! It really takes a long time! Now I know why they make prisoners clean floors with toothbrushes in prison movies. But 8 hours later I have a floor that looks almost brand new. Here are some pictures of the floor in process so you can truly appreciate the beauty :-)

In other news, progress has been made outside as well. I had some help Friday in the yard pulling up bushes. It seemed like the roots were 10 feet long and 5 inches around. (I promise I am not exaggerating.) Donna, Bradley and Ashley helped me for hours. Then my neighbor came over with his SUV and a wench to help. These are some tough bushes. They actually broke the wench! Have you ever heard of such a thing?! We decided to let the bush that broke the wench stay. After all, we felt it deserved another day to live after beating an SUV! I have a feeling the embattled bushes and the enraged carpenter bees are going to gang up on me one day soon.

(Oh, and for those of you have been interested in how the battle of the bees is going... well, I don't think I'm winning. When I came back the next morning after my night time murdering spree I found new holes gnawed where the bees had tried to free their friends. Wow! What should I do now? While I was painting the kitchen floor with a toothbrush today I asked the Lord what I was supposed to be learning from these stupid bees. I kept thinking about how they were only doing what came naturally. The bees were doing what they were created to do. And they would not be easily deterred from fulfilling what they were designed to do. It got me thinking... The Word says I was designed to praise the Lord and give Him glory. Am I easily deterred from what I was created to do? Am I easily distracted from my purpose? Thanks for the lesson little bees, you can move on now.)
You have logged some major hours on the kitchen floor and it looks GREAT! Unless you've experienced that floor up close and personal....you can't fully appreciate how far it's come! Well done, my friend!!!!
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