Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Showers of blessings...

Today was an exciting day. I had a surprise "House Shower". I've never had a shower before! What a sweet blessing it was to be honored by my dear friends at church. The thoughts, gifts, cards, and gift cards were a wonderful surprise. I was so humbled by their thoughtfulness.

Check out these cute table decorations from the shower: pots with yard tools, paint cans with brushes, bowls with kitchen scrubbies... so creative and fun!
For those of you who are are anxious to hear about the table sanding saga :-) I gave the table a break today and sanded and primed a kitchen chair instead.
I also went to all the utility companies this afternoon to have the utilities connected in my name... Closing is Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer - you are so blessed by your church family there. Thank you, thank you, for taking care of my girl! We love you all!!
